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Rabu, 03 Juli 2013

What is INDISCHOOL ????

Okay friends. This time I will discuss about the INDI SCHOOL-created by Telkomsel. What is a Indischool? standing a Indischool Digital School in indonesia , the latest of which is a program to educate the Telkom Indonesia Indonesian education. Indischool Service is a service, Wi-Fi internet access in the zone known education. The program is adapted to receive a quick and inexpensive access. Telkom provides daily and monthly vouchers ranging from $ 1,000 dollars. With fast internet access, long distance teaching process can be run effectively and interactively. And now Telkom is trying to expand the utilization of Information and Communication Technology to produce the best quality in education. What is offered by Indischool? Indischool offers free internet access in the form of installation in zone environment education and socialization of educational content in the education zone. What are the provisions for the education community who will follow the program Indischool? All educational community can follow Indischool program. That must be considered is the location of the educational zones are, of course, should be possible for the installation of a network to the Internet. @ is a service-based internet access hotspot / wifi provided by Telkom Indonesia. But if we are scanning, not only alone but still many other SSID (access to the internet itself); (Indonesian free Wifi internet access that is in a certain point); flexizone ( Internet access using the login of the user FlexiNet ); flashzone (internet access using the login of Telkomsel flash); flashzone-seamless (offload network to the Internet from your BB/3G the wifi network). All the SSID of the access point are the same in Okay friends. I hope after reading this article you can understand what is meant by indischool. Thank you for visiting Miss Famous ^ _ ^

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